operation or acquiescense. According to this study, thirteen of the children definitely could be classified as having participated in such situations with a neighbor, (the most frequent category), while seven of the cases showed step-fathers as the participating partner. By contrast, only .one of the participating children could be deninitely found as having relationships with a stranger, while in the accidental cases, 10 were with strangers, (usually a single sexual situation) and none with step-fathers. Accidental victims generally had only one or two experiences and immediately reported the incident to the mother, while participating victims of all types had many experiences, often going back to solicit such situations and seldom reporting them to the mother until some crisis arose. 73 girls were studied in this aspect of the research, all of whom had been molested.

In cases where incest has occurred whether the child is involved in a heterosexual or a homosexual response, there should be careful examination of the circumstances. The child who has participated in the incest outlet over a period of time has an emotional problem which will usually respond to treatment. On the other hand, the child who has been accidentally and perhaps only once or twice molested by a close relative, particularly a father or brother, needs some opportunity to ventilate feelings in regard to the person, and the incident, but usually does not suffer emotional disturbance at a deep level unless this is inflicted by relatives who over-emphasize the problem.

It is best that a competent psychiatrist examine all children who have been molested to determine whether or not there has been serious emotional harm done.

Incest is, and of course, must remain a taboo if our society is to have healthy emotional and physical generations from which to build our civilization. The violation of the incest taboo should be considered as a serious emotional conflict deserving of immediate attention and treatment. In cases where the partner is a child or adolescent, special care should be taken to determine the extent and nature of the relationship, and to overcome any emotional components which might tend to encourage or allow the victim to carry such problems into his later life.

Build castles in the air; then put solid foundations under



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Reas 39

Tenderloin Is Quiet After 11 Saturday Night


By Dick Tyner

I was up early on Sunday morning and went out for breakfast. The fog had thinned by the time I finished. The winter sun shone warmly on Turk Street's strutting pigeons as I wandered over to Market to see the sights. The Slot was crowded, particularly on the sunny side; and there were sights to warm the heart of even the most jaded auntie. For me, a country cousin, it was wonderfully stimulating.

Saturday night on the same street had been frightening but things seemed changed in daylight. The man offering sight of the craters of the moon had been replaced by one snapping pictures of unwary yokels, handholding couples, tourist families. The paper boys no longer lurked in their flimsy huts; they had moved their mountains of print into the open sun. The roving JDs now looked like schoolboys on their way to the park or the beach or the Y. The sailors idled along without the chaperoning SPs. They were young, pimply; their blues were wrinkled and ill-fitting. The